
Friday, March 11, 2011

Where Is My Blue Ball?

Once very 12 months we are asked to bowl for charity.  And we gladly accept because it happens to be for the neighbors and everyone knows we have the BEST neighbors in the whole world.  They are fun and they accept us for the crazy people that we are.  No qualms.  (At least that I know of.)

So last weekend we grabbed our bowling bag from the basement and aspired to reach a score of at least 100 pins.  You see, we have our own balls, shoes, and sports-looking bowling bag.  Several years ago, my brother-in-law and sister-in-law found the perfect Christmas gift for the brother and his wife who had everything, but their own bowling equipment.  Ta-da!  We are equipped.

It was a dark and stormy night.  Perfect night for strobe lights, bad 80's hair band music, pitchers of Miller Lite, and glow-in-the-dark bowling for dollars.  And we knocked down some big 'uns.  Yah...

About half way into the night, my neighbor friend, returns from the bathroom with a bowling shoe flapping.  On her return, she blew a shoe.  The sole was definitely loose.  We all laughed and made fun of her trying to bowl with a broken shoe.

About three-quarters of the way into the night, I made a trip to the restroom.  And on my way, I stepped on something sticky and ka-boom!  My shoe started flapping.  I had to pee so bad so I continued into the restroom and laughed hysterically, by myself, at the strange coincidence of the two Sue's with flapping bowling shoes.  It was one of those moments where you SERIOUSLY look for the hidden camera.

I shared the news of my appendage with the gang and we all laughed.  I chucked a few balls down the lane, with my handicap.  It was ugly.  My game was gone.  So I took off my shoes and called it quits.  We wrapped up the night and went to put our balls away.  Only guess what?!?!  My ball was gone.  My shiny blue ball was gone.  And it even has my name on it.

I kept asking people if they accidentally put my blue ball in their bag.  Then Sue's hubby asked, "Was it schweddy?"  Obvious play on the Saturday Night Live Skit, Schweddy's Balls.  I just love my schweddy blue bowling ball.  It all went into the gutter from there.

Good news!  The bowling alley called to report they did indeed find my schweddy blue bowling ball.  So next year, when I get the call to bowl for charity, I will be ready.  My blue ball has been located.  And it is no longer schweddy.

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